Jean-Noël is a multi-instrumentalist, composer, author and acrobat based in Basel, Switzerland.

Creativity has no boundaries, no form, no language and yet it can take any form and speak to everyone. It is one of the deepest yearnings of human soul that has its source in the very chaos it tries to embellish. Nietzsche said, with his infamous joie de vivre, that "we have art in order not to die of the truth" and that "one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star". If not yet a dancer, Jean-Noël has indeed enough chaotic interests to express his beautiful creativity and keep him away from dying anytime soon!
From philosophy and literature to music and circus, with a detour in environmental engineering, Jean-Noël embraces all form of expression, which are to him but new toys to play with, new words to put in his vocabulary. Multi-instrumentalist, he started with E-bass and developed later on classical guitar, piano and even a bit of bagpipe and tenor banjo. Passionate about composition, he's the bandleader and composer of Gosmopolitan and writes for all the projects you will find here. As a sideman, he played among others with musicians such as Carlo Mombelli and Nik Bärtsch, but also ensembles like Carmabylon, Fifi's Spaceship and different Jazz Big Bands in a variety of genres that defies, if not defines, his imagination.
An imagination that doesn't stick to music and mingles with other art forms. Mens sana in corpore sano, Jean-Noël has always had a strong attraction for sport, from his youth as a fencer to his teaching of basketball in ASVZ Zürich. It is however with circus that he fines fulfillment as both an athlete and an artist. He's the leader of a small crossover ensemble called Compagnie Muzir, that mixes music, circus, theater and dance. He also was a part of the "Freestyle Orchestra" based Vienna, with which he toured in 2017. He's teaching circus in Kinderzirkus Robinson and composes the music for the Zirkusschule Marotte. Last but not least, he's the author of several log books and of a french novel entitled "L'Emporte-Pièce", edited by Hélice Hélas.
It is therefore not only with clubs and balls that he's juggling, but also with words and music notes, walking on the rope of creativity to an imaginary shore where he hopes to find you.